If a firm is to chosen, it must build trust, and if it is to build trust, it must find its Source — its source of authenticity and connection. The Source is the very essence of a company, the ‘why’ of its existence and the ‘because’ of its beliefs. Like water, it is the most fundamental life force behind an organization, and like water, it must be pure. It serves as the inspiration for people to work with you and the motivation for people to stay with you. It unifies your organization in pursuit of its potential.

The Source lives at the intersection of people, operations, culture and brand. It is the one thing that connects them all; it must be clear, simple and above all, it must be authentic.

We help organizations build value and trust by aligning corporate culture and brand.

  • Brand and culture audits

  • Brand architecture and positioning: vision, mission, values

  • Culture change and development

  • Branded methodologies

  • Customer journey experience